To Members of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC)

17th ANIC Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023-2024 Invitation and Details.

Assalamu Alaikom Wa Rahmatu Allahe Wa Barakatuh,

On behalf of the ANIC Executive Committee,

We cordially invite you to the:

17th ANIC Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023-2024

  Date: Sunday, 13th of October 2024

  Time: 8am to 4pm (AEST)

  SYDNEY – Venue: TBC

We kindly remind you to pay the ANIC Annual Membership Fee for 2024.


Below are the ANIC Bank details:

Account Name:  ANIC

BSB:  062 000

Account Number:  1222 0592

Bank:  Commonwealth Bank

Reference:  ANIC24 (YOUR FULL NAME)

The ANIC membership will be used to continue ANIC’s growth and development.

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