ANIC Notes the Growing International Demand for a Ceasefire

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ANIC Notes the Growing International Demand for a Ceasefire

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ANIC Notes the Growing International Demand for a Ceasefire

The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) acknowledges Australia’s call for a ceasefire and vote in favour of the UN General Assembly resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as a necessary first step in ensuring that there is no further loss of innocent Palestinian lives.

The broader Australian community, including many organisations which support human rights, have been calling for an immediate ceasefire since the initial attacks on Gaza took place on 7 October 2023.

Australia joined 152 nations in favour of the resolution, (with 10 opposing and 23 abstaining). This highlights the widespread condemnation of the atrocities committed against innocent Palestinian civilians and the international distress over the war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli Defence Forces. Since 7 October, the occupying Israeli Defence Forces have been implicated in war crimes and acts of indiscriminate bombing, including the ethnic cleansing and displacement of an entire population of over 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza. The latest statistics are alarming, in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, where the death toll has reached over 18,000 Palestinians. This includes at least 7,729 children and 5,153 women killed, and 49,645 injured, among them 8,663 children and 6,327 women. Additionally, at least 7,780 individuals are reported missing.

In the occupied West Bank, the figures are equally troubling, with at least 279 killed, including 63 children, and over 3,365 injured.

These figures reflect the horrific scale of war crimes committed by the Israeli Defence Forces. It also highlights that more needs to be done immediately.

ANIC urges the Australian Government and the international community to take decisive action, by holding Israel accountable; unequivocally condemning Israel’s indiscriminate attacks; and demanding an investigation into Israel’s war crimes in Gaza.

ANIC also demands that urgent humanitarian aid enter Gaza given the complete blockade imposed on the population since 7 October 2023.


For any media inquiries, please contact ANIC’s Spokesperson, Bilal Rauf, on 1300 765 940 or [email protected]