
Australian National
Imams Council
The Australian National Imams council (ANIC) is the
only central, Islamic body that holds key represenation
from Australian-based Muslim clerics.
Read More ANIC Portfolio
ANIC Registered
Imams List.
ANIC is the currently sole national
organisation of Imams and Islamic
Scholars with broad community
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Australian National
Imams Council
ANIC Portfolio Read More
ANIC Registered
Imams List.
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Featured Media Release

PUBLIC STATEMENT- Support for Senator Fatima Payman and the Green's motion in the Senate to recognise the State of Palestine


PUBLIC STATEMENT- Support for Senator Fatima Payman and the Green's motion in the Senate to recognise the State of Palestine

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Media Releases


PUBLIC STATEMENT- Support for Senator Fatima Payman and the Green’s motion in the Senate to recognise the State of Palestine


PUBLIC STATEMENT The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC), the Alliance of Australian Muslims (AAM), and the Australian Muslim community welcome the Greens’ motion in the Senate to recognise the State of Palestine. We also strongly support Senator Fatima Payman’s support of the motion. Senator Fatima Payman’s decision to cross the floor to support the motion […]


بيان بداية شهر ذوالحجة ويوم عيد الأضحى 1445هـ


بيان بداية شهر ذوالحجة ويوم عيد الأضحى 1445هـ الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على جميع الأنبياء والمرسلين السابقين، وعلى سيدنا محمد خاتمهم أجمعين وبعد يحرص سماحة مفتى استراليا فضيلة د. إبراهيم أبو محمد ومجلس الإفتاء الأسترالي على أن يكون الناس على بينة من أيام الله طاعة وامتثالا. المملكة العربية السعودية حفظها الله تعالى، هي […]




THE MONTH OF THUL HIJJAH & DAY OF EID AL-ADHA 1445H I 2024 All praise is due to Allah the Almighty, and peace and blessings upon our prophet Mohammad, the final messenger of Allah. The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohamad, and the Australian Fatwa Council are conscious of keeping the Muslim community […]


ANIC Welcomes and Commends the ICJ Order for Israel to Halt Rafah Offensive


ANIC Welcomes and Commends the ICJ Order for Israel to Halt Rafah Offensive The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) welcomes and commends the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) ruling and decision overnight to order Israel to halt the Rafah offensive in Gaza. The United Nations’ top court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has ordered […]


State Imams Council

ANIC is currently the sole national organisation of Imams and Islamic Scholars with broad community representation. This places ANIC in a unique position in representing the wider interests of the Australian Muslim Community.

ANIC members are involved in the day-to-day affairs of the Islamic Community and addressing the affairs and concerns of the community.

This interactive map allows you to search through state by state to find the Imams in your area. Please visit the website pages to find more information and contact information for those Imams. Currently, there are over 250 registered Imams and are active in working with the Muslim Community.

To become a member of ANIC you must be a member of the State Council of Imams.

Please click here to visit our Membership page and find out more information.

Click on your state or territory below to view your local Imams

Stay Connected
with our
Social Media

Visit our other initatives

Australian Fatwa Council
The Australian Fatwa Council was established by the Australian National Imams Council as a division which will focus on Fatwas (Islamic Verdicts) on contemporary issues and matters pertaining to Australian Muslims, preserving the Islamic Identity and spiritual guidance. The Fatwa Council is chaired by the Mufti of Australia and qualified Imams in Islamic Jurisprudence from all Australian states.

CARD is a service to assist people in the Islamic Communities of Australia by facilitating the resolution of marital disputesis a service to assist people in the Islamic Communities of Australia by facilitating the resolution of marital disputes

ANIC Halal Authority
A subsidiary company of the Australian National Imams Council — ANC It is managed by a renowned and well-respected team of Islamic Scholar and experts in the Food Science and Technology

Australian Islamic Education Services
Australian Islamic Education Services (AIES) is a not-for-profit organisation and an Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) initiative dedicated to the provision of services in the Islamic education sector Message

Islamophobia Australia
Islamophobia Australia provides a unique platform for incidents of Islamophobia / Anti-Muslim sentiment to be reported, recorded and analysed.

Muslim Community Fund

The Muslim Community Fund is a novel initiative aimed at nurturing the development and wellbeing of Australia’s growing Muslim community.

Why Australia needs an ANIC system

ANIC was created with many imams having the same goal. To unite the Australia Muslim Community and give it strength. ANIC has over 200 registered Imams.

Local Services

ANIC’s main goal to strengthen the Australian Muslim Community by providing various events, workshops, training programmes, interfaith dialogues and many other services.

Supporting the community

At ANIC we aim to provide support and assistance to the Australian Muslim Community. With our vast Imams list, there will be an Imam that will be able to help with any concerns, questions that may arise.

Contact ANIC

Have something to say? Please visit our contact page to find our contact information. Call to speak to one of our qualified staff. Alternatively, you are able to visit our head office and meet our team, discuss your concerns and feedback. We look forward to hearing from our community.