ANIC is Grateful for the Journalists Open Letter to Australian Media Outlets

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ANIC is Grateful for the Journalists Open Letter to Australian Media Outlets

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ANIC is Grateful for the Journalists Open Letter to Australian Media Outlets

The Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) express strong support for the Journalists’ Open Letter to Australian Media Outlets, issued on November 24, 2023. This letter, signed by over 150 journalists, calls for adequate coverage of credible allegations of war crimes, ethnic cleansing and Apartheid committed by Israel.

Signatories outline eight steps for Australian newsrooms to improve coverage of the conflict, in which more than 14,000 Palestinians have so far been killed by Israeli forces since October 7.

Staff shared frustrations over the broadcaster’s unwillingness to use terms including “invasion“, “occupation“, “genocide“, “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing” regarding Israeli government policy and allegations made by human rights groups.

The open letter has asked that historical context of the conflict between Israel and Palestine is provided when referencing the October 7 attack.

ANIC echoes the letter’s plea. Since October 7, there has been a noticeable bias in media coverage of this issue, undermining journalistic values of integrity, transparency, and accuracy.

Journalism is based on principles of fairness, integrity and neutrality. Unfortunately, many journalists and media outlets have not upheld these principles during the recent crisis. There has also been a distortion and misuse of religious and cultural terminology and words by major media outlets, contributing to societal tensions and an increase in Islamophobia, anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab sentiment.

ANIC urges media agencies to commit to journalism’s foundational principles, ensuring transparent and unbiased reporting, free from political influences. We also call on other journalists to support and endorse the Open Letter.


For any media inquiries, please contact ANIC’s Spokesperson, Bilal Rauf, on 1300 765 940 or [email protected]