Becoming an ANIC Member

According to the ANIC constitution and subject to the State Imams Council requirements and approval, a person who satisfies the criteria below at the time of application for membership is eligible to apply for Membership:


Please select the type of Membership
Place of Birth *
Please list your previous education *
Declaration *

An ANIC Associate Member is a member from the community who does not meet the full ANIC membership criteria, including not being an Australian Citizen or permanent resident, does not have an Islamic Studies Qualification or doesn’t meet one or more of the ANIC criteria as set in the ANIC constitution. They are community members who undertake some of the tasks of an Imam, such as delivering lessons, Khutab, chaplaincy services, involved in community and Dawah activities, etc.

An associate member can attend and participate in all ANIC State and Federal meetings, events and activities. They don’t have any voting rights, nor they can be nominated on the ANIC State or Federal executive committee. They can, however, be part of subcommittees.

Place of Birth *
Please list your previous education *
Declaration *