Media Kit

Media Kit Outline

Organisation Overview

ANIC is currently the sole national organisation of Imams and Islamic Scholars with a broad community representation. This places the Council in a unique position of officially representing the wider interests of the Australian Muslim Community.


The ANIC members are involved in the day-to-day affairs of the Islamic community and in addressing and assisting in the affairs and concerns of the growing Muslim community.


ANIC aims to preserve mainstream understanding and teachings of Islam in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah, and the traditional understanding of the Muslim scholars, both past and present. Also, it seeks to unite the Councils of Imams of the various Australian states and territories by streamlining their activities and those of other respected scholars and clerics.


It therefore represents the wider interests of the Australian Muslim community in different domains, thereby, leading to greater benefits to all constituencies.

Activities List

The vision of the ANIC is to be a leading national body representing mainstream Islam in Australia. ANIC alms to utilise the skills, qualifications and expertise of Imams, Islamic scholars and prominent community members to promote and contribute to the betterment of the Australlan Muslim community and the wider Australlan society at large.

The mission of ANIC is to provide religlous leadership, rulings and services to the Muslim community In Australla by supporting local Islamic organisations, developing Islamic research, educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other falth communities and the wider Australian society in an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.

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Contact Information:

Aisha Hassan – Communications Officer
[email protected]

High Resolution Logos

Alliance of Australia Muslims (AAM)

Click to view more information of the Alliance of the AAM organisation.


Download AAM Logos:

Australian National Imams Council (ANIC)

Click to learn more information about ANIC.

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