State Imams Councils
Home > State Imams Councils > Victoria
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ANIC aims to preserve mainstream understanding and teachings of Islam In accordance with the Quran and Sunnah, and the traditional understanding of the Muslim scholars.
Activities List
The mission of ANIC is to provide religlous leadership, rulings and services to the Muslim community In Australla by supporting local Islamic organisations, developing Islamic research, educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other falth communities and the wider Australian society in an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
Activities List
The mission of ANIC is to provide religlous leadership, rulings and services to the Muslim community In Australla by supporting local Islamic organisations, developing Islamic research, educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other falth communities and the wider Australian society in an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
VIC Activity Item
Membership is open to all qualified Imams who are active In the affalrs of the Muslim community. Currentl Council of Imams, I.e. NT and TAS, then you can apply directly to ANIC by completing the online nomination form: eveloping Islamic research, educational, soclal and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other falth communities and the wider Australian society In an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
VIC Activity Service
To become a member of ANIC you must be a member of the state Council of Imams. In the case where there is no state Council of Imams, I.e. NT and TAS, then you can apply directly to ANIC by completing the online nomination form: eveloping Islamic research, educational, social and outreach programs and fostering good relations with other faith communitles and the wider Australlan soclety In an effort to promote harmony and cooperation.
Victoria: Registered Imams List
Imam Khalilurahman Hamid (Chairman)
Imam Moustapha Sarakibi
Imam Muhamadu Nawaz
Imam Abdulaziem Afifi
Imam Rabi Batie
Imam Abdinur Weli
Imam Abdulrahman Magan
Imam Mogamat Majidih Essa
Imam Saeed Gul
Imam Daud Likangala
Imam Ismet Purdic
Imam Ahmad Elzokm
Imam Uzayr Zuberali
Imam Abdelnasser Saleh
Imam Abdulla Abdalhamid Hawari
Imam Haitham Felafel
Imam Alaa Elzokm
Imam Mostafa Hasan
Imam Zakaria Mariam
Imam Isse Musse
Imam Saleh Dogan
Imam Atalla Khawaldeh
Imam Abdihakim Sharif
Imam Mohamad Fadil Fachni
Imam Sayed Fadlullah Fadel
Imam Ilham Bardi
Imam Abdulkhaliq Muhmmud
Imam Muhamed Didic
Imam Hassan Alwafaai
Imam Abdallah Elleissy
Imam Ajwad Hashim
Imam Muhammed Furqanul Jabbar
Imam Khalid Shah
Imam Iftikhar Ahmad
Imam Bekim Hasani
Imam Ali Rabah
Imam Rafiqul Islam